What's the Version?

Have you seen a Digibox on the market you are interested in, and want to know its software version?

Launch Style EPG (1998-2001)

If you see any of the following indicators, the Digibox is likely running the Launch Style EPG.

The Launch EPGs used a unique background style, with satellite swooshes throughout. Note the missing planner option. Early versions featured the 1998 Sky 'swoosh' logo, and reworded categories. 

Launch EPGs used a distinct style of red and yellow arrows on the Search and Scan Banner. 

The earliest EPG versions were also missing the 'Search Favourite' function, as this was added in 1999.

Dark Blue EPG (2001-2005)

If you see any of the following indicators, the Digibox is likely running the Dark Blue EPG.

The Dark Blue EPG overall introduced a darker colour scheme. All versions feature a planner option (Personal or Sky+) on the '0' key.

These EPGs introduced a blue and yellow arrow colour scheme on the Search and Scan banner. Early versions miss the 'Messages' option, which was added in 2004.

Versions prior to 2002 lacked the month in the time and date display. 

Later versions of the Dark Blue EPG are impossible to distinguish from the Light Blue EPG, as the 'Messages' option was added in 3.2.11.

These EPGs introduced a blue and yellow arrow colour scheme on the Search and Scan banner. Early versions miss the 'Messages' option, which was added in 2004.

Versions prior to 2002 lacked the month in the time and date display.